Oct 12, 2009

He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo

He Had Such Quiet Eyes
Bibsy Soenharjo

He had such quiet eyes
She did not realise
They were two pools of lies
Layered with thinnest ice
To her, those quiet eyes
Were breathing desolate sighs
Imploring her to be nice
And to render him paradise

If only she'd been wise
And had listened to the advice
Never to compromise
With pleasure-seeking guys
She'd be free from "the hows and whys"

Now here's a bit of advice
Be sure that nice really means nice
Then you'll never be losing at dice
Though you may lose your heart once or twice

CPS Review:

First thing come to mind after reading this poem was about the seductive and lustful love. Not to delve to deep into that, let us discuss on the surface level only.
The poem discusses on the eyes of a man, alluring, seductive and dangerous.

The connotation of two pools of lies layered with the thinnest ice strongly suggested that the man eyes is very deceiving, deep, calm but dangerous, just like a pool in winter. It may look inviting and peaceful to see a still lake, but when you try to walk on the thin ice, it will break and you will drown in the icy cold water.

Another connection was the term “Eyes are windows to the soul” thus here, the icy eyes shows that the man have a cold, ruthless heart, ready to gobble up gullible woman. The eyes also quiet (stealthy/underlying intention/udang sebalik mee) and imploring (domineering/controlling/powerful)

Second stanza, young woman are too gullible, naïve and easily influenced (first hand experience) especially concerning with love and emotions. Thus, the advice was NEVER to compromise with the wrong guys. This is because the “hows and whys” a.k.a the art of seduction is something that will entangle the woman in its webs for a long time. And the man with this knowledge will not only suck the woman dry emotionally, but also physically, financially and then toss her aside, useless, broken and valueless…

The last stanza,

Nice mean nice : no underlying intention, truthful and honest

Then you'll never be losing at dice: love is a risk taken by both side, they take turns throwing the “dice of life” and if the woman is smart, she will be safe in the relationship.

Though you may lose your heart once or twice: this is the risk in love, but broken heart can still be mended, but there are things in a girl that once broken, forever gone.

Sep 26, 2009

The River - Valerie Bloom

The river’s a wanderer, a nomad, a tramp.
He doesn't choose any one place to set up his camp.

The river’s a winder, through valley and hill.
He twists and he turns, he just cannot be still.

The river’s a hoarder and he buries down deep
Those little treasures that he wants to keep.

The river’s a baby, he gurgles and hums
And sounds like he’s happily sucking his thumbs.

The river’s a singer, as he dances along
The countryside echoes the notes of his song.

The river’s a monster, hungry and vexed
He’s gobbled up trees and he’ll swallow you next.

CPS Review:

The poem personified the river as a living object, which has attitudes and wants. The poem also shows the river as a thing with two nature, good and evil, just like humans. Human can be good and sweet sometimes, but other times, human can be evil and vexed. Thus that is a balance of natural order, as each complete things has both sides, coins have head and tails, life has yin and yang and earth has days and nights. The same with human, if in good nature, can be sweet and polite, but if vexed, can be evil and mean. This understanding is the referred back to the poem, as the river is personified to be as what it choses to be. Human do not have the capacity to control the river. It is up to it whether the river wants to be a baby or be a monster.

Sep 24, 2009

I wonder - by Jeanne Kirby

I Wonder
by Jeannie Kirby

I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen
Who taught the birds to build a nest,
And told the trees to take a rest?
And when the moon is not quite round,
Where can the missing bit be found?
Who lights the stars, when they blow out,
And makes the lightning flash about?
Who paints the rainbow in the sky,
And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?
Why is it now, do you suppose,
That Dad won’t tell me if he knows?

CPS review:

the poem use of questions instills the feeling of reflective. the persona question the world order, who, what and why does "things" happens. the things that happened in the poem were majestic and miracles, that cannot be done or comprehended by human.

the last two line have a connotation to religious, in particular, Christianity, as God in Christianity was symbolised as the father. and thus, the meaning of the poem was that humans are young, powerless and cannot understand the whole world. the poem also suggested that human will eventually learn, but God do not give the whole knowledge, unless human seek it. the knowledge seek was the true knowledge, the understanding of the all powerful God and the capacity of human understanding. the point to be discuss here was that whether the human have the capacity to understand the whole concept of "true knowledge"?

but, if the poem were read through the eye of an innocent child, the line may means the father of the child, as child usually will ask anything from the parents. all the questions will then referred as the child's observations of the world. the inquisitive feelings that child have plus the naivety of understanding how the world move.

both interpretation above suggested knowledge gained through asking, human@child will not gain the whole knowledge, but will eventually learn bit by bit. it also stressed on the need of a guider@teacher@father to guide the human@child.

Sep 20, 2009

Salam Eidulfitri to all the readers of this blog. I hope you all have a happy and blissful Ramadan. The Ramadan that has just passed is really an eye opener to me. This is because this year Ramadan, I have the chance to fast with my family for the full 29days. Also, this is the first Ramadan I celebrated as a teacher. There are a lot of moments and experiences that taught me to mature and to rise to a new height in my understanding of this world.

I would like to take this chance to express my sincerest apologies to all the readers of this blog.

Salam Eidulfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Sep 14, 2009

What I’ve learnt today

It’s been a hot and tiring day. Last nyte I didn’t get enough sleep as I arrived home from JB at 2 in the morning. Then I managed to wink 40times before I woke up for Sahur. after a quick fix of Sahur, I tried to sleep again, even have the plan to take CRK for the first time today, but to no avail, thanx to toyon! By 6.30, I woke up and take my bath.

My first thought of the day was I want to wear black today! Thus black shirt, pants, tie and socks! Why? Coz I felt at ease in black. Feel more confident and exuberant. That’s what black colour does to me. some people saw red, some people saw yellow, but i saw black.

In my car, otw to school, I purposely step on d gas, and purposely maneuvered my car dangerously – but not recklessly- with a lot of instant braking, and stepping on d gas quickly again. Kept on shifting my BMW auto transmission between D n 2..just to hear the revving sound and the instant boost. I Manage to achieve my target, that is to overflow my bloodstream with the needed adrenaline, thus keeping me awake for double doses of EST class. 8-9, 9-10. thank god the class is a goody2 one. The 4SA1 n 4 SN, so I didn’t have to put much effort in class control, I even went a bit far in 4 SN, by trying to teach the meaning of Solat Tahajjud and Qiyamullail to a Chinese student..hehe..

By 10 a.m, my adrenaline supply was out, thus I retreated into the staffroom, found a perfect table with low visibility and BAM! Another 40 winks until 12 noon. I have to wake up as I have an English class with 4SAI. So I entered the class until 1 p.m. after class some of the boys stayed back just to share stories and some laughs. I was tired but tried to entertain them. They felt the small talk we have was beneficial to them. We talk until 2.30 and then I rushed to the hostel for my STS (Singkat tapi Sempat 2, special class for form 3), the class should be held from 2.30-4.30, but by 4 p.m, they are all tired. thus, I changed the topic for a QnA session, to discuss problems in English paper and etc.. but somehow I manage to get a boost from somewhere and started counseling the f3 students, to prepped them up for the coming PMR. Some of the girls even cried after the session. Huhu..

So that’s all..these are what I’ve learnt today!

p/s; don’t sleep late on Sunday nights, the effect will be doubled on Monday, lack of sleep and Monday blues..huhu..

Sep 12, 2009

New literature List for F1 n f4 next year..confirmed

English Literature Component Form 1 to 3 Poems:

• I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby
• The River by Valerie Bloom
• Mr. Nobody
• Heir Conditioning by M. SHANmughaligam
• A Fighter’s Lines by Marzuki Ali
• Leisure by William Henry Davies

Short Stories:
• Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford
• One Is One and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk

• Rumpelstiltskin

English Literature Component Form 4 and 5 Poems:

• In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
• He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo
• Nature by H.D. Carberry
• Are You Still Playing Your Flute by Zurinah Hassan

Short Stories:
• QWERTYUIOP by Vi...vien Alcock
• The Fruitcake Special by Frank Brennan

• Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend

for those who want the easy, way, you can get the book from Cerdik Publication in bookstore near you..

Sep 8, 2009

a teacher sonnet,,

for all teachers out there..

Jun 25, 2009

what i've gain

Been away to Besut for 4days. Somehow i felt like i'm disconnected from the rest of the world. Just now i just read about the death of an undergraduate from UKM. She fell from the fourth floor of the pendita Zaaba hostel, the same hostel my ex-gf stays when she is still in UKM. One of the reason being said that she fell after being "chased" by a black shadow..and i still remember, my ex did mention something about "Orang Minyak" in her hostel. As for me, i believe that sometimes, these things can manifest themselves into visible things, but we have to remember, that Humans are the one chosen by God as the Khalifah of this world, thus we are better than them. Ingat Allah selalu, Insya Allah selamat.
i would also hope that no one would feel that the hostel will be haunted after this, as death is on the hand of God. Allah mencabut nyawa hambanya mengikut kehendakNya..

Jun 18, 2009

10 sebab untuk tidak bercinta dengan suami orang

Seorang lelaki yang tidak bahagia dalam rumah tangganya akan pasti terasa amat gembira dengan kehadiran kamu apatah lagi dia terasa dirinya diberi sepenuh perhatian yang mungkin tidak diperoleh dari isterinya sendiri. Pasti saban masa dia akan melahirkan rasa bahagianya berada di sisi kamu. Ini mungkin kelihatan seperti komitmen terhadap masa depan kamu. Tapi, percayalah itu hanyalah kata-kata manis sekadar untuk mendapatkan cinta kamu saja!

Sikapnya yang tak jujur terhadap isterinya sendiri sudah cukup untuk dijadikan bukti jelas kepada kamu sikap sebenar si dia yang tak jujur. Dia sanggup mencari hiburan di luar rumah apabila mendapati ada masalah atau perkara yang tidak memuaskan hatinya di rumah, tanpa cuba untuk mengatasi masalah itu. Tambahan pula, kamu menjadi punca sebenar si dia menipu kepada isterinya. Ingat, si dia mungkin akan mengulangi sikap menipu ini terhadap kamu apabila kamu berdua menghadapi masalah dalam perhubungan kamu kelak.

Merahsiakan sesebuah perhubungan itu sememangnya suatu perkara yang meletihkan. Melibatkan diri di dalam perhubungan sulit seperti ini akan membuatkan kamu kehilangan keyakinan diri kerana kamu akan ketinggalan dalam pelbagai aspek perhubungan yang indah. Kamu tidak boleh berjalan berdua-duaan dengan bebas dan bangga. Ini kerana kamu akan sentiasa diselubungi oleh perasaan takut dan bimbang. Takut orang lain terlihat kamu berdua-duaan lalu mengadu kepada isteri si dia. Mati kamu kena serang!

Apa yang dimaksudkan di sini, dia dianggap lebih bertuah dalam masa yang sama tetap mempunyai sebuah keluarga yang akan tetap menyayanginya. Sebaliknya dalam diam kamu pula yang mengalami “kerugian” kerana terpaksa berkongsi kasih dengan keluarganya yang sah. Bayangkan, kamu tidak boleh menemaninya ke majlis-majlis formal kerana sudah pasti dia akan membawa isterinya. Kamu hanyalah sebagai teman di kala ingin mengubat kesunyian atau mencari hiburan jika ada masalah di rumah saja! Kamu kena ingat, mereka boleh berkahwin lebih daripada empat!

Persoalannya, apakah kamu masih sanggup menersukan perhubungan dengan seorang lelaki yang tidak jujur dan tidak hormat kepada isterinya? Dengan menjalinkan perhubungan secara sulit dengan kamu sudah jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia menganggap perempuan mudah untuk dipikat dan diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya. Jika dia benar-benar menyayangi dan jujur dengan isterinya, sudah pasti dia sanggup berterus-terang. Alasan untuk tidak melukai hati isterinya bukannya alasan yang kukuh memandangkan dia sememangnya sudah melukai hati isterinya di saat dia menjalinkan hubungan dengan wanita lain!

Jangan terkejut! Walaupun dia yang jatuh cinta pada kamu dan menarik minat kamu, di dalam hati lelakinya dia pasti akan pandang rendah terhadap wanita seperti kamu yang mudah terpedaya dengan kata-kata lelaki sepertinya. Siapa tahu, mungkin pada awalnya dia sekadar nak “test market” saja. Tak sangka pula kamu benar-benar terpikat. Lelaki pula, mana yang sanggup menolak tuah kan? Dalam keadaan seperti inilah yang selalunya akan timbul soal dipermainkan.

Ingat! Sebagai wanita, kamu seharusnya lebih memahami perasaan dan naluri kaum sejenis kamu. Dengan menjalinkan hubungan dengan suami wanita lain, menunjukkan bahawa kamu tidak menghormati hak kaum kamu sendiri. Bayangkan jika hak kamu diganggu atau cuba dirampas oleh orang lain? Sebaliknya ada pula yang sanggup berkomplot dengan si lelaki untuk menipu isterinya. Ingat, jika hari ini kamu mengambil hak orang lain, tak mustahil orang lain pula akan mengambil hak kamu suatu hari nanti! Renungkan!

Si dia sentiasa mengucapkan kata-kata manis pada kamu tetapi masih tidak menamatkan perhubungannya dengan isterinya dan pada masa yang sama masih tidak memulakan perhubungan yang sah dengan kamu. Inilah yang dikatakan sebagai “Action that speak louder than words” (pandai cakap tapi buatnya tidak!)

Kebanyakan orang tak kira sama ada wanita tau lelaki mempunyai sikap sukar untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap keputusan dan tindakan yang mereka lakukan secara terburu-buru. Manusia lebih mudah untuk mencari kesalahan orang lain daripada menanggung malu. Jika perbuatan si dia diketahui oleh isterinya atau saudara-mara, jangan terkejut jika dia menyalahkan kamu lalu membuatkan kamu terpaksa menanggung segala derita. Haiiiii Kasih ke mana, sayang ke mana. Tinggal kamu seorang yang menderita !

Hubungan dengan lelaki yang telah berkahwin boleh berlanjutan selama beberapa tahun. Sedar tak sedar, usia kamu semakin meningkat. Apabila kamu sudah tua baru kamu sedar yang kamu terjerat dan tak boleh melarikan diri lagi. Jika boleh melarikan diri pun, kamu sudah tidak tahu apa yang patut kamu lakukan. Terasa begitu lama kamu mempersiakan zaman muda kamu menjalinkan hubungan yang TAK BERMAKNA!

Jun 17, 2009


1. Bila si dia sibuk........ Jangan pula kamu terhegeh-hegeh meminta si dia menjemput kamu di tempat kerja ataupun menemani kamu pergi membeli-belah.

2. Bila si dia ego....... Jangan sesekali kamu mempersoalkan tentang keegoan bila sikap sebegini sedang menguasai dirinya. Lelaki amat payah utk mengakui dirinya ego sebaliknya berpendapat ianya ketegasan.

3. Bila si dia romantik........ Ajaklah si dia bersiar-siar di tepi pantai ataupun makan malam di bawah cahaya lilin sambil mengenangi saat-saat manis pertemuan pertama dan jgn lupa selit sekali perancangan utk masa depan bersama.

4. Bila si dia panas baran........ Jgn membuat sesuatu yg boleh menyemarakkan lagi perasaan marahnya. Cuba kamu berdiam diri dulu sampai kemarahan reda.

5. Bila si dia penat....... Jgn mengadu perkara ataupun bercerita ttg hal yg remeh. Dalam saat sebegini si dia hanya perlu rehat yg secukupnya dan jgn memaksa dia membuat sesuatu yg boleh menambah kepenatan.

6. Bila si dia pentingkan diri sendiri......... Cuba berterus-terang dan meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati kamu tentang sikapnya itu. Kamu patut bersikap terbuka dan memintanya supaya mengimbangi pendapat kamu juga. Jgn lupa utk bertoleransi antara satu sama lain.

7. Bila si dia mengongkong..... Kalau kamu memberontak, pasti akan dimarahinya. Tapi kalau menurut saja katanya takut menjejaskan diri sendiri. Utk itu, kamu perlu berkata padanya utk membiarkan kamu membuat keputusan sendiri asalkan tidak menjejas hubungan kamu berdua.

8. Bila si dia selamba....... Cuba tarik perhatian si dia. Contohnya membuat sesuatu yg boleh menarik minatnya. Orang yg selamba ini selalunya ingin kita yg memulakan dahulu. Oleh sebab itu, kamu patut merancang sesuatu bagaimana utk menarik perhatiannya.

9. Bila si dia curang..... Jgn tuduh tanpa usul periksa. Jika benar si dia curang, bersemuka dan tanya dengan si dia mengapa bersikap begitu. Tapi kalau si dia tetap dengan keputusannya, eloklah kamu sendiri yg berundur dulu sebelum makin parah kelukaan hati.

10. Bila si dia lurus bendul...... Memang kamu boleh mengambil kesempatan ke atas dirinya tetapi jgn sampai memperlekehkan setiap tindak tanduknya. Kamu patut menjadi perangsang padanya dan mengatakan yg si dia mampu membuat keputusan sendiri tanpa mengharapkan org lain sangat.

Apr 17, 2009

Journey oF Mind n Body

today i went to one of my favourite places in Malaysia, a place that i can be free..best woo..rugi sapa x g..

My Friends yg join.. ak x pandai amik pic ar..hehe

this is the place! walla!

sejuk Woo!

ak dah puas mandi..release everything..left all the problems here, to be swept away by the current..

and this is my Ride! garang Seyy..rs x complete klu x amik pic keta..hehe

Apr 3, 2009

KronoloGi Kehilangan Cinta

Kronologi kehilangan cinta..tarikh bermula, 31 jan 2007 dan berakhir setelah 8 frame kemudian pada 6 dis 2008..

Satu Lagu yg sedang dihayati

setiap langkah yang diambil, setiap jalan yang dipilih, tiada siapa tahu dimana penghujungnya. setiap manusia berharap ada bahagia di hujung sana, namun tiada siapa tahu apa yang ada sebenarnya...

Tapi Bukan Aku

Jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
Ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
Tak inginku paksakan cinta ini… ii…
Meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima

Aku memang manusia paling berdosa
Khianati rasa demi keinginan semua
Lebih baik jangan mencintai aku dan semua hatiku
Karena takkan pernah kan kau temui cinta sejati…

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma… aaa…
Serasa ku t’lah mati untuk menyadarinya…

Tapi bukan aku… uo..u…

Semoga saja kan kau dapati hati yang tulus mencintaimu
Tapi bukan aaaakuuuu…

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma…
Serasa ku t’lah mati untuk menyadarinya…

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
Serasa ku t’lah mati untuk menyadarinya…


inilah kunci hati..ke hati yang berkunci?
is it the heart being locked, or the lock is the heart?

Mar 30, 2009

my new addition to my waja.. a brand new ICE 16" inch sport rim..kinda have the rugged look due to its wide lips. My friends ask me why should i use a 16" for a waja as waja can accomodate up to 18". My reason was that i'm still unsure where i will be posted in a few month time, so this sport rim was just as a make up, to make my car not too basic..hehe.. btw, i love it, so why should i care.. next stop, the tint shop!

Mar 4, 2009

CPS First try on uploading video

The Cat name was 'Puteh'. I don't know what happened to her now. The video were recorded using Sony Ericsson K630i in section 17 in Shah alam.

Another Type of CPS

I have found another type of CPS, that is about the mind power and how our creative mind work. The term was coined by Carol L. Tieso in the presentation paper "Creative Thinking Skills and State Standards: An Oxymoron?"


1. Fact-finding

Who did what, when, where, why, and how?

2. Problem-finding

“In what ways might we…?”
“What is the real problem?”
“Why do I want to do this?”

3. Idea-finding


4. Solution-finding

list criteria for evaluation
evaluate ideas
select one or more of the best ideas

taken from http://clties.people.wm.edu/

Mar 3, 2009

Cam Profile Switching

CPS, my pride. This is my first and only car. Even though before this, I have already driven other car, but for me, this is my life now. The wide design somehow show who am I.

Be different! Use your Mind

Literature is a reflection of real life. Thus through literature, human can understand and reflect to the world. Literature may also provide a meaningful and content feeling for the reader. It is obvious that Human will grow, eventually from a stage to the next stage as they aged. The same goes for the suitability of the types of literature that caters to each stages of life. The stages here refer to the Psychological Development Theory proposed by Erik Eriksson. As the stages shifted, so thus the exposures towards the type of literatures that suit each stage. For literature for children and adolescents (LCA) it covers the 3 stages, the play age (3-5 years), the school age (6-12 years) and adolescence (12-18 years) while after that, the child was shifted to the adult world where everything is real and every individuals are accounted for each of their actions. Thus the exposure of a heavier, realistic and more meaningful literature is needed - the adult literature (LA). Both type of literature is considered as a piece of writings that are treated as a piece of arts. But the language, the semantics, the psychological and its physical aspects are different.

As human mature, so thus the mind set.

Love Can NeVer HaPpen

Huhu..It is true that love between a monkey and a dove will never work. Its such a shame, the monkey have tried climbing the highest tree to be with the dove, but It can only be with her when she is down, taking a rest after a long flight. The Monkey really wish that he have wings right now, so he can fly together with her. This is life..

A Monkey can only climb and swing,
from one tree to another,
whilst The Dove can fly,
in the blue sky high...

I know my place in this world...

Feb 25, 2009

CPS bersama A.Samad Said

Sepagi bersama Pak Samad membawa satu arti baru di dalam diri ini. Walaupun diriku akan menjadi seorang guru bahasa Inggeris, tetapi untuk hari ini, aku mahu melestarikan bahasa aku. Setiap tutur kata beliau benar-benar membuat aku terpanggil untuk mendalami benak akalku yang paling asal, benak asal bermula aku berkata, benak asal aku bermula bicara. Ada apa pada bahasa? Ada apa pada kata-kata? aku tertanya sendiri. Ada diri dalam bahasa, ada adat dalam kata-kata.

"saya mahu jadi manusia yang tidak bermuka-muka, punya dua telinga, dan satu lidah,bukan satu telinga dan dua lidah"
A.Samad Said, 25 Februari 2009

Feb 19, 2009

CPS Assalamualaikum pembuka bicara

To be able to blog is to be able to share. as this is my first post, i would like to say that this blog is open to all who have the ideas and want to share it with me. This blog also will be an academic blog, thus to whom who may want to contribute, you have to have a self control in giving comments or sharing ideas. Thats all from me, please, do enjoy my blog.